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How Can We Forge a Multicolored Global Path to Rejuvenated Childhood?

Faith Sycaoyao

Can you hear it? It’s the subdued cries and whispers of forsaken children praying to be saved. Or rather, waiting for an inkling sense of hope where their dreams— veiled in black and white, and a dismal environment where barriers have limited prospects and haunted lives inside society, can be listened for once.

In a world where every child deserves a chance to thrive, art can emerge as a potent change agent. And this isn’t your typical piece of contemporary or performance art. When bonded together, humanity and our universe itself are intricate pieces of art. We confront the shadows of poverty, educational disparities, and climate change that affect all children’s lives. Each of us can work together to open up windows of faith, hope, and passion, promoting a revitalized childhood for every child, globally.

By means of art, anyone can arouse sympathy, putting awareness on the global suffering of poverty. We may band together in solidarity, giving voice to the invisible in order to strengthen communities and break the grip of poverty on young lives. Every artistic expression has the ability to break down barriers that limit its possibilities. Participating in charitable activities or contributing art as a fundraiser is one aspect. Enabling art instruction for individuals living in abject poverty. UNICEF and Save the Children, for instance, are two associations that facilitate child advocacy. The Bezos Family Foundation’s Students Rebuild initiative, which is free to join, also allows art submissions to fundraise for environmental issues, which are donated to seven worldwide organizations such as The National Wildlife Federation, Eden Reforestation Projects, Little Amal, and much more.

According to a press release issued by UNESCO in 2022, as the new school year begins in many areas of the world, current statistics indicate that 244 million kids and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 18 continue to lack access to education globally. This is a difficult path to tread, therefore each youngster we encounter must be properly informed of educational demands, as well as nurture their minds with humanity to develop sensitivity and charity to voice their own points of view with their peers. At this point, we may renew younger generations with an eagerness to accumulate and share information in effort to safeguard future generations.

As climate change grows more severe, children will grow up inheriting a world of resilience and environmental discomfort. Through creative thinking, we may inspire young hearts to accept and safeguard ecological practices. Climate Cardinals, a worldwide youth NGO featured in Forbes Under 30, has a volunteer network of 10,000+ individuals across 80+ countries and is presently translating 1,500,000 words of climate information into 100+ languages and under a partnership with Google. This is a call to action for any adolescent or child to do something while representing their ethnic background, heritage, and language from the comfort of their own dwelling. As the Founder, Sophia Kianni stated, “A fear of failure is what prevents people from getting involved. We need more imperfect climate activists.” Without shortcomings, there is no justification why anybody is unable to attain anything, irrespective of socioeconomic classes that are capable of providing the necessary resources for the underprivileged.

We can establish systems that give avenues for innovation, favor educational justice, and foster the fortitude required to address climate concerns in a collaborative manner, as a global sector that transcends boundaries and celebrates variety. We can bloom together, hand in hand, and every child’s prayers can create strength and unshakable determination.

Collectively, there are multiple prospects to ignite optimism about a world where each child’s potential is acknowledged and heard, fostering a future where childhood knows no limitations and is saved with lasting delights and ecstatic tears and no overbearing hearts, with just a voice, a helping hand, by listening, gift-giving, or giving a child a reassuring hug.


Faith Sycaoyao is a million-reach Filipino American Artist, one of the youngest in EMEA publications, a Philanthropist, Deputy Director, and recognized by Anthony Fawcett, an Art Critic from Oxford.


Anonymous (2023). Welcome to Climate Cardinals: Our Mission. Climate Cardinals. https://www.climatecardinals.org/.

Anonymous (2023). 2024: Extraordinary Earth Project. Students Rebuild.

McPherson, D. (2023). Sophia Kianni Has Advice for Budding Climate Activists. National Wildlife Federation.

O’Hagan, C. (2022). 244M Children Won’t Start the New School Year. UNESCO. 